Lockleaze Loves Homes is the name of our community led housing project run by Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust and local residents.
What is Community Led Housing? Check out this video made by Community Led Homes West for a more information.



Our vision is a fair and secure local housing market that positively contributes to the thriving community of Lockleaze. This means providing new, quality homes that: 

  • Benefit existing residents, 

  • Are the product of meaningful community engagement to reflect resident’s priorities and views throughout the planning and development process, 

  • Are genuinely affordable and remain so, 

  • Are designed to enhance Wellbeing

  • Support vulnerable tenants 

  • Can provide for a variety of specific needs and aspirations.

Lockleaze is going to experience a lot of change in the next 10 years. The Council will sell or develop up to 31 different sites leading to over 1000 new homes. We believe that the community should design and own some of those homes to meet community need. We are working together to create the kind of homes that local people will benefit from.

Community-led Housing (CLH) is a movement that has grown significantly over recent years and there are many fantastic examples right here in Bristol. It allows communities to be involved in developing and owning the homes that meet the needs of their community.


In 2017 we received £10k of funding from Groundworks UK through Locality to commission a feasibility report into various potential CLH projects in Lockleaze.

As an area of low-density population with a lot of green space, Lockleaze has the most potential of any ward in Bristol for community-led housing opportunities. As a voice for the community, Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust is key in making sure local people are a part of that development conversation. In 2018, as part of the feasibility study, we worked a pilot group of residents to discuss how new homes can benefit the community. Emerging principles included:

  • Genuinely affordable

  • Build for mental health - high ceilings, good light

  • Local lettings policy - local people get first chance to rent

Read the report

The Community-led Housing in Lockleaze Feasibility Study 2018 has been completed and you can read the report online here

constable road / Turner gardens

Working with the resident pilot group, the feasibility study considered the Constable Road / Turner Gardens site to be the most suitable to explore further. We have now secured additional funding to take the project up to the point of submitting a planning application and are currently in the process of appointing an Architect for the project!

It is fundamental that members of the community are involved throughout the key stages of this project. In addition to our steering group, that is made up of residents and volunteer experts, we have a growing number of enthusiastic residents who have signed up to Lockleaze Loves Homes membership (free).

All of the engagement events over the last 12 months has resulted in the latest housing designs for the project. Click here to see a summary of the project’s journey.

If you would like to be part of this journey, we have ongoing engagement opportunities (see the ‘What’s on’ page) or contact Alex Bugden on alex@lockleazent.co.uk to find out more.


We are committed to delivering housing that is founded on the following values: 

  • Resident led. We value the community's experience and expertise in knowing its needs and will support them to provide solutions through meaningful engagement and decision-making.

  • Inclusive. We value the diversity of Lockleaze and strive to deliver a mix of housing that can accommodate and respond to the different needs and aspirations of the community. 

  • Affordable. To provide secure and genuinely affordable homes that benefit the community and are great for the development of the area.

  • Quality. Ensuring that longevity and standards of excellence are embedded into designs to enhance the local economy, environment and the identity of Lockleaze.