Local Lettings Policy Focus Group

On 24th August 2021, LNT hosted two focus groups as an opportunity to discuss in greater detail, some of the detailed aspects of the Local Lettings draft Policy, which is based on more than 70 responses to the LLP survey. In particular we aimed to discuss the policy's eligibility criteria, geographical boundary and any potential exceptions for Community-led housing schemes.

Although attendance was low we had a useful discussion which identified key areas of contention, practical implications of administering the scheme and helped us produce a further draft. We had experts from Bristol City Council housing allocation team in attendance which was incredibly helpful in advising the practicalities and implications of any proposals.

For a full write up of the sessions please click below:

It was an incredibly helpful exercise in refining aspects of the policy but also identifying where further consultation is required. This write up has been sent to Bristol City Council who will incorporate comments into the next version of the policy. LNT will then facilitate a public engagement event as a final opportunity for the community to input into the policy. We are aiming to facilitate this during our Community Forum on October 2nd.