Home-Made Lockleaze - Final Community Workshop 3 - 26th May 2022

Following the previous two consultation events, the third and final community consultation event aimed to pick up concerns expressed by local residents regarding roof design, boundary fences, parking and wildlife, whilst simultaneously allowing for final comments on details around site layout, outdoor communal spaces and material selection. 

A detailed handout was prepared and distributed to residents next to the site in advance of the event and at the event itself. To see the handout click here.

During the event, the various options for roof design and cladding and boundary fence material choices were presented in a transparent way, by showing how various options compared based on performance, longevity, carbon footprint, repair and maintenance requirements, affordability, appearance and, where appropriate, security. 

Each option was assigned a rating in each of the categories in relation to SNUG Homes and associated materials and supply chains. The outcomes of this exercise were some final questions regarding the choice of wooden fences over cement for the site boundaries. In response, we invited the public, and particularly the near neighbours who were actively interested in the topic, to attend a further consultation with Secure by Design - a police initiative informing design advice on proposed development from a security and crime perspective. so expert advice on the various options could be obtained.

Parking Spaces 

In response to concerns regarding parking spaces raised at event #2, the project team responded in several ways including: 

• Ensuring policy-compliant number of parking spaces are included in the plans 

• Introducing community car share scheme, as has proven effective on other CLH schemes in the local area 

• Acknowledging potential impact of ‘overflow’ parking in the neighbourhood, measured by the benefits of providing additional affordable housing on a now derelict site which is low impact 

• Siting local example of residents taking action to address their parking issues by designating some of their green for parking spaces (ref Copley gardens) and LNT offering support to approach the council if this was wished. 

Natural Habitat 

The team shared details of the ecologists reports as follows: When making these proposals it is important to first understand how the site is currently used by wildlife. In November 2021, the team instructed a qualified Ecologist to do an initial survey to understand which species may be present on the site and identify any dens or nests on the site. Results of the survey showed that: 

• “no habitats of plant species of any note on this site” 

• “poor bat roosting opportunities”

• “foraging, commuting bats and badgers...” 

The report does however recommend that specific surveys for reptiles and bats be undertaken at the appropriate times of the year to make sure. This will be done during the Spring or Summer 2022. Additionally, the following commitments to enhance biodiversity of the site were shared:

• Removal of asbestos that currently exists on the site.

• Selection of native tree, hedging and plant species that offer food and habitat to wildlife 

• Ways to preserve and create natural habitats on the site: - inclusion of bird nest boxes on the SNUG Homes - planting orchards (bees, butterflies, etc) - off-site construction lowers impact by reducing the amount of time spent building onsite - bio-diverse communal and private planting plans - tree and plant schedules – to support wildlife - refuge piles for reptiles 

Landscape Strategy 

Lockleaze’s Orchard. The proposal will be in keeping with the area’s current and historic provision of fruit trees and apple orchards. Although a small area, the project can be communally owned, accessible, and scaled up to other greenspaces within the neighbourhood. 

• Orchard maintenance, fruit harvesting and seasonal celebrations across the wider Lockleaze area can provide opportunities for the community to get together and celebrate this local character and tradition. Community Involvement. 

The final component of our last consultation event was an invitation for local residents to stay involved, or become newly involved, in the project in the following ways: Opportunity for future residents to help design and create aspects of their home and community. 

One of the most exciting and unique aspects of the proposed development model is the opportunity for future residents to get involved in the interior design and to actually do the work to finish your own homes, offsetting costs. Additionally, as a part of a community led housing scheme, there will be opportunity to decide, along with your future neighbours living on the site, how you wish to live, share and use communal spaces together. 

Opportunities for future residents include: 

• Input into final internal layout plans of your homes, such as selecting from various pre-designed options for bedroom and bathroom sizes and layout 

• Input into the communal landscape area in terms of design, planting and construction 

• Input into definition of private versus communal spaces, and boundaries between 

• Option to input into finishing material choices 

• Ability to choose a self-finish approach, to acquire some construction and diy skills as well as save money 

Opportunity for hands-on community involvement 

There are many ways in which wider members of Lockleaze can get involved in the project, and as a community-led project, the team can shape these opportunities based on where people most want to get involved – so be sure to let us know! 

Possible opportunities for wider community that exist within the project are: 

• Landscaping and Carpentry - tree planting, raised beds, structures 

• Future food growing and maintenance – after the construction has been completed, helping with planting and maintaining an orchard on the site and which extends to neighbouring areas of Lockleaze, as well as any other food growing plans agreed with the resident group 

• Ongoing management and input into the project’s steering group. This will involve a meeting of approx. 2 hours every 2-3 months (depending on project progress) and is a representative volunteer group of the community and Built Environment professionals responsible for steering key decisions in line with project aims and values. 

• Gaining skills in construction through a SNUG Homes volunteer & upskilling programme 

After this third and final public engagement event, Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust will be finalising the design plans for planning submission in June. 

As always, if you have any questions about the project please feel free to get in touch at alex@lockleazent.co.uk or call the Hub on 0117 914 1129.