Monday Motivation #ActiveLockleaze Project Spotlight On

As part of our partnership project #ActiveLockleaze we like to feature regular posts for our Monday Motivation or Spotlight On section.

This is just one of the ways we promote physical activities and sports opportunities in Lockleaze. By sharing providers and participants' personal stories we aim to inspire and motivate and encourage all residents to lead more active lives.

This week we focus on RISE Youth Dance.

RISE Youth Dance provides high quality dance training in an inclusive, nurturing and safe environment for all young people aged 6 – 19 years in the Bristol area. Our vision is for every young person to become the best they can be, and we believe in the power of dance to help young people become their best selves.

We run weekly dance classes at The Hub in Lockleaze for young people in year 2 - year 10.

Early Risers - 9:30-10:30am ( Young people in school year 2-year 4)

RISE Juniors - 10:45am - 12:15pm (Young people in school year 5- year 6)

Dance Class for Home Educated Children (9-13 years of age) 

We have recently set up a new dance class for young people in home education. We aim to develop confidence and self esteem, offering a fun and interactive dance class where young people can work with each other, learn new skills and be a part of a team. 

We understand the importance of moving, the importance of being part of a collective and the importance of offering spaces for young people to be creative.