Bristol Women's Voice: New Vacancies

Bristol Women's Voice: New Vacancies

Bristol Women’s Voice have two new projects starting through which we will create women’s action groups to work together to the barriers to the equity that women raised during the City Listening Project. One project is specifically for disabled women.

They have the following vacancies:

Community Organiser: Disabled Women Take Action!

This post will be responsible for developing a new two-year disabled women’s action project in partnership with WECIL (West of England Centre for Inclusive Living).

The Community Organiser will work with disabled women from across Bristol, organising with them to achieve the individual and strategic changes that women identify would improve their lives. The work will facilitate disabled women’s access to resources and their engagement with volunteering opportunities within women-led organisations, improving skill development and employability, whilst improving the accessibility of the women’s sector in Bristol.
Download the Job Description, Person Specification and Equalities Monitoring form here.

Community Organiser: Women Together for Change.

This post will be responsible for facilitating women’s action groups and support them to work for strategic change across the city. She will support women to identify and work towards campaign objectives through coordinating action work plans, building relationships, coordinating events, communications and awareness-raising activities and supporting the women involved, in partnership with the wider BWV team.
Download the Job Description, Person Specification and Equalities Monitoring form here.

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust