Good for you Gardening Group

A fun and interesting 6 week course facilitated by Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust and the Vench has recently started on Thursdays from 1pm-2.30pm at the Vench.

The All Abilities Gardening group had 8 local residents join us for our first session helping us to develop further gardening skills.  The course looks at: Garden design, Seed sowing, Basic tool use, Growing free food and flowers, Indoor nature activities, foraging in Stoke Park, as well as tips on looking after yourself well.

During our first session we all had a wander around the lovely gardens at the Vench and learnt lots about different plants and flowers growing there.  We learnt about some of the  medicinal uses of herbs and what wildlife is attracted to different plants.   We also did a spot of weeding!

In our second meeting we got our hands dirty as we had a seed sowing session.  We are excited to see some of these shoots coming through in the next few weeks.  Some of the group got to taste some refreshing rosemary tea!.

We also looked together at some of the benefits of gardening.  Gardening really is a labour of love that reaps benefits in all areas.

Here are a few things that the group identified: " Gardening is a mood booster, helps to reduce anxiety and social isolation, helps promote sleep, burns calories, builds strength, helps protect your memory as you get older and eating your home grown greens is healthy eating."

Some of the group brought in goodies from their gardens to share with others.  This included rhubarb and turnip seeds.

Many of the group feedback that through coming along to the gardening group they had been motivated to do further gardening jobs at home.  This included weeding, sorting and planting.

For further information please contact Jonathan, Wellbeing Navigator Tel-0117 9141129 or email: