25 years of awesome - thanks for joining our party and thanks to Lockleaze Singing Group

Thanks to everyone who came to our AGM and summer party, it was great to see so many residents and partners; with especial thanks to Lockleaze Singing group who sang for us and Rob who cooked over 100 burgers, and thanks to Bristol Noise who loaned us the BBQ.

This year marks 25 years of Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust, the people who volunteer and work here are stewards, supporting community space and community activities for future generations. Our community has a proud history and we hope to still be here for another 25years supporting the community. If you couldn't make it you can read about what we've been up to here .

If you would like to be part of the volunteer group who keep this charity running please read this advert and contact James Creed (Chair of Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust) about becoming a Trustee.