Referendum coming: deadline for proxy vote 5pm today

There will be a vote on Thursday 5 May on how the Council is run. For the past 10 years Bristol has had a Mayor (first Bristol Mayor was George Ferguson - Independent, followed by Marvin Rees - Labour) there is now going to be a vote on whether we should keep a Mayor or not.

Some information and debates from different perspectives can be found on the Bristol Ideas website here

The Council website has some official information here.

There hasn’t been a huge amount of information about the referendum and that might mean that this huge decision will be made by quite a small number of people. If you want to have your say then make sure you vote on Thursday 5 May, if you know you aren’t going to be able to get to a polling station on that day you can apply for a proxy vote (someone to vote on your behalf) today (the deadline for postal voting has passed).

Usually our approach to democratic governance doesn’t change very much, mostly because governments don’t change the systems that elected them. So when the opportunity to choose comes up we should make the most of it, make your opinion count. The question you will be asked is:

How would you like Bristol City Council to be run?
By a Mayor who is elected by voters. This is how the Council is run now.
By one or more Committees made up of elected Councillors. This would be a change from how the Council is run now.