Monday Motivation #ActiveLockleaze - Ashna's Dance blog!

My name is Ashna and I started alien dance when I was 8 years old. I have a cousin and she went to dance with me on my first day. I also have a sister and she goes to dance with me every week. The first thing I learnt to perfect was my dance kick.

I love my teacher Liam and he is the best dance teacher in the world.

Now I am almost an intermediate dancer, and I would like to improve my splits and my box jump.

My favourite things to do at dance are have fun, and learn how to do new things.

But my best thing is dancer of the week.

Monday Motivation #ActiveLockleaze Project

As part of our partnership project #ActiveLockleaze we like to feature regular posts for our Monday Motivation section.

This is just one of the ways we promote physical activities and sports opportunities in Lockleaze. By sharing participants' personal stories we aim to inspire and motivate and encourage all residents to lead more active lives.

This week we share a blog from one of our younger residents Ashna - thanks for telling us about your dancing Ashna!